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Clionadh released a few new Stained Glass formulas in January 2020, including the Hybrid Multichromes. These multichromes are considered hybrids of the Glitter and Jewelled Multichrome formulas. The colors are similar to the Jewelleds, but the textures are closer to the Glitters.
If you like the intensity of the Jewelled Multichromes but want to play around with texture, I think these shadows would be perfect. And, if you’re like me and just need to own everything Clionadh touches, they’ll also do the job.
The Hybrid Multichromes combine the glitter-like textures of the Glitter Multichromes with the rich tones of the Jewelled Multichromes. They have a buildable formula, so they can intensify the more they are packed on. All of the shadows can be used on the face and eyes.
Compared to the Jewelled Multichromes, the Hybrids are more textured but about equally as shiny. They are more opaque than the Glitter Multichromes.
These eight shadows may be purchased individually or as a bundle.
- Rose Line: Brown base with medium glitter particles that shift rose-orange-yellow
- Mosaic: Brown base with small glitter particles that shift pink-orange-gold-lime
- Heiress: Burnt orange base with medium glitter particles that shift orange-yellow-lime
- Chalice: Burnt orange base with medium glitter particles that shift yellow-lime-silver-red
- Embroidery: Grey base with small/medium glitter particles that shift lime-blue-purple
- Shard: Brown base with small/medium glitter particles that shift turquoise-indigo-violet red
- Tapestry: Grey base with small glitter particles that shift blue-indigo-violet
- Medieval: Warm brown base with medium glitter particles that shift indigo-violet-red-orange

The Hybrid Multichromes are an interesting formula. As stated above, they have a glitter-like texture but are also shiny and metallic. I love how Clionadh blended two of their existing, popular formulas to create these. Some people may find the color shifts redundant though, since the colors are similar to some of the Jewelled Multichromes.