Polished for Days Reflection
Accent: Vapid. – Pestilence- Purchased
- Gifted
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Reflection from Polished for Days has a deep navy base with blue-purple-yellow shifting multi chrome shimmer. It is part of the brand’s Imagination Collection from 2020. I applied it in two coats.
Pestilence from Vapid. has a black jelly base with scattered holographic shimmers and blue-purple-green shifting iridescent flakes. It was released through Polish Pickup in March 2020 for the “Ancient History” theme. I applied it in two coats.

I’m still rocking the shorties, y’all. I did this mani right before my website launched and kept going back and forth with whether I would post it. It’s not a perfect mani, but who cares? I could sit here and tell you everything wrong with the mani, but what would that get me? So here’s to showing manis regardless of whether they check all the professional swatches boxes!
But let’s talk about the polishes. Y’all. I need to take a deep breath before I get into how much I love Polished for Days because it’s A LOT! Polished for Days is easily one of my favorite indi polish companies. The formulas are always impeccable. And Jenna, the maker, definitely has an eye for beautiful colors and combinations of finishes. When the Imagination Collection first released, I was like “this is it!” — it was a collection of all purple polishes (y’all know that’s enough to get my excited) and they were all so different from each other. I decided not to pick up every single one (at that moment), but that launch definitely put PFD on my radar for good.
Reflection especially stood out to me because it is a dark polish with multichrome shimmer. Whenever I see a super dark multichrome, I get heart eyes because that is not a common finish. Side note: ILNP just released a dark multichrome called “Eclipse” that’s kind of like Reflection’s red sister and I’ve been waiting by my mailbox waiting for that to get here! I don’t think I ever caught the yellow flip in Reflection, but it might be one of those shifts you can only see in certain lighting and at certain angles.
I don’t think I did Pestilence justice by wearing it as an accent. I also think I would get a lot more out of it if I wasn’t living with nubs. There are so many beautiful flakes in there! It’ll have to return as the main polish for a mani in the future.