Pat McGrath Labs: Blitz Astral Quads

Hey, y’all. It’s me, a year late. These photos have been sitting in my files since mid-October 2019 and it’s well past time for them to make their debut. I know it’s late but, in my defense, I posted one set of these photos last month! 12 months late is better than 13, right?

If you have not been paying attention to makeup releases for the past year and have no idea what I’m talking about, allow me to introduce the beautiful subjects of today’s posts — the trio of Blitz Astral Quads from Pat McGrath Labs, originally released for holiday 2019. The palettes are limited edition, but still available (as of the time of this writing) on Pat McGrath’s website.

By the way, I swatched all of these quads on two separate days, almost a year apart. That actually accounts for some of the delay — I wasn’t pleased with my swatches (and honestly, was not motivated to select and edit so many photos at once for a long time). 

I hope you all enjoy!

About the Blitz Astral Quads

The Blitz Astral Quads released in September 2019 as part of Pat McGrath’s 2019 holiday collection. Each quad contains four shadows in formulas fans have deemed Pat McGrath’s “special” shades. These formulas, which were previously only seen in the 10-pan Mothership palettes, can be identified by their unique naming conventions. Their names include terms such as “Astral,” “Blitz,” a three-digit string (e.g., “003”), and “VR.” The shadows also have a unique look in their pans. They are all domed, “hybrid” shades and are typically extremely sparkly. Some of them are grittier and glittier, while others are more smooth but highly pigmented. Pat McGrath recommends applying these shadows with fingertips or a dampened brush.

About Iconic Illumination
Iconic Illumination Swatches
About Nocturnal Nirvana
Nocturnal Nirvana Swatches
About Ritualistic Rose
Ritualistic Rose Swatches

These quads are some of my favorite makeup items. They are so luxe and the colors were well-curated. Like most of Pat McGrath’s palettes, I enjoy them most when I used them in conjunction with other eyeshadows. But they will definitely steal the show in any eye look!

I think they are also quite beginner-friendly and “occasional makeup user”-friendly. I gifted Ritualistic Rose to a friend for her birthday and she loves it. I don’t think any of them need a glitter glue, but you will find that application is easier with fingers, a damp brush, or a finger-like brush like Urban Decay’s The Finger Brush or Sonia G’s Builder One (which will help you control the placement of the shadows).

It’s always hard to pick a favorite from a Pat McGrath collection. If you didn’t know, Pat McGrath Labs is one of my top 3, if not my number one, favorite brands. I think my favorite depends on my mood and I find that this collection has a quad for every mood. Need something that is work-appropriate but will make you feel fancy? Go with Iconic Illumination. In the mood for something bold and fun? Try Nocturnal Nirvana. Want something feminine and romantic? Ritualistic Rose is your friend. So I won’t pick a favorite today because they are ALL my favorites.

2 thoughts on “Pat McGrath Labs: Blitz Astral Quads”

  1. These quads are so gorgeous. I remember watching a youtube video from “This is Black Beauty,” and she did some amazing eye looks with these quads, Nocturnal Nirvana and Iconic Illumination. I decided to order them finally this year as a treat to myself. I have not really dove in because they are just so gorgeous. But I plan to soon.


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